在AMOS中如何使用 Bootstrap进行多重中介检验呢?设置 Bootstrap后出现以下错误提

黑色巧克力妞妞 |浏览8740次
2017/02/22 15:46
在AMOS中如何使用 Bootstrap进行多重中介检验呢?设置 Bootstrap后出现以下错误提示,是咋回事呢?An error occurred while attempting to fit the model during the analysis of a bootstrap sample , an attempt was made to compute the correlation between two variables one of whose estimated ariances failed to be positive . This attempt was made because standardized estimates in the analysis Properties window was checked or because the standardized method was used , or because a user-defined estimand requires calculating andardized estimates


2017/02/24 14:09

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