退休金在期末支付如何计算 Assume you have set up a retirement

wxhfrank |浏览795次
2017/08/16 21:13
退休金在期末支付如何计算 Assume you have set up a retirement fund. Please choose your own parameters (First payment = 30,000, r - discount rate = 10%, g - growth rate = 5%, n - no. of years = 30) for a constant growing annuity so that you can lead a good life in retirement. Assume the annuity is your only source of income after retirement. Based on the parameters you have chosen calculate how much you would have saved in the retirement fund at the time of retirement to achieve your goal.
  • 问题补充 : 2017/08/16 21:21

    PV = P / (r - g) x [1 - ((1 + g) / (1 + r))^n]

     PV = 30,000 / (10% - 5%) x [1 - (1.05/1.10)^30]

    = $451,389.44

  • 问题补充 : 2017/08/16 21:21

    这个算出来 是期初支付的对么



2017/08/20 11:42

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